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Equipo de Conducción.
Contenidos de Exámenes de Nivelación para 2do, 3ro, 4to y 5to años
Nivelación 2do año
∙ Grammar
Verb to be be (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Possessive Adjectives
Demonstrative Pronouns
Possessive: ´s
Preposition of place
There is/ are
Some / any
Have/has got (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Preposition of time
Countable and uncountable nouns
Likes and dislikes: Questions and short answers
Present Simple Tense be (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Daily routines - Adverbs of frequency
Can to express ability
Present Continuous tense (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Nivelación 3er año
∙ Grammar
Personal Pronouns
Possessive adjectives
Verb to be (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Have / has got (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Can: ability and permission (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative) Present Simple (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Adverbs of frequency
Present Continuous (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Countable/ uncountable food nouns and containers
Past Simple (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
There was/were (Affirmative – Negative – Interrogative)
Regular and irregular verbs
Present Perfect ( affirmative, interrogative, negative)
Present Perfect or Simple Past?
Nivelación a 4ºaño
Revision present simple/present continuous. Comparison of adjectives. Describing people: appearance and personality. Present continuous. Past simple: regular and irregular verbs.
Past continuous: prepositions of time and place: at, in, on.
Time sequencers and connectors. Verb phrases.
Be going to (Plans and predictions). Present continuous for future. Arrangement. Verbs + prepositions.
Present Perfect + yet, just, already.
Present perfect or past simple?
Adjectives ending - ed and -ing.
Comparative adjectives and adverbs. Superlatives (ever + present perfect). Quantifiers, too, not enough.
Will, Won´t (Predictions).
Will, Won´t (Decisions, offers and promises)
Nivelación a 5ºaño
Uses of the infinitive with to.
Uses of the gerund (verb + ing)
Have to, don´t have to, must and mustn´t.
If + present, will + infinitive (first conditional).
If + past, would + conditional (second conditional).
Present perfect + for and since.
Present perfect or past simple?
Passive voice.
Used to.
Word order of phrasal verbs.
So, neither + auxiliaries.
Past perfect.
Reported speech of statements and questions.
Nivelación a 6ºaño
Tenses: present simple and continuous. Past simple and continuous
Present perfect + for and since. Present perfect or past simple?
Past perfect.
If + present, will + infinitive (first conditional). If + past, would + conditional (second conditional). Passive voice.
Modal verbs
Reported speech.